Sunday, April 4, 2010

Time is the Best Healer...

With thoughts running across my mind, i realise there have been more painful experiences i have gone through than the good ones.
Still struggling with the recent one, i feel life has been very unfair to me.

Nobody's perfect, including me, so why it seems that everyone around me expects me not to make any mistake ever.

Disgusting is what i feel at the moment.

After sometime i look at people around and try to talk to some of them. But it doesnt help much. May be they are no different.

They have their own share of problems and when i see them, emapathatic is what i feel. Wish things could have been different for them and for me too.

I wish people could be happy in real.

At the end of day as i decide to blog my feelings, i realize life cant be unfair, because its my life. Its me who decides what happens to me. If today i am in a problem its just because of me.

But the question remains, is it all about me or because of me.

The quest for finding the correct answer will fuel my day also with a set of altogether new events.

May be thats our lives all about.

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